My Drawings

A bit of PopArT, and…


 … a touch of abstraction.

This is my house.
Do you think that my friend Ava did a good job?
I do.
Nativity Drawing.
My latest creation.
My drawing of Cardinal Newman.
I made this map of a street near my mummy’s work the other day. I’ve included everything form busses to a roundabout.
Strictly speaking this is not my drawing but uncle Vladimir’s, but I have participated in creating it by growing full 2cm in just 3 months.
My mummy mouse catcher extraordinaire.
My sister Jaz drew this last summer. We all like to draw in my family.
This is another drawing of myself when I was a lot smaller.
This is my drawing of the Super Egg Man. I have given him a Happy Meal as an extra special treat.
My drawing of myself, age 6